100 shots of 5-color rainbow stars with silver to report burst tails fired in professional 10-shot moving Z-formation.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
90 shots of multicolored falling leaves, red wave comets, silver thousand chrysanthemums, wave coco, peonies, and dragon eggs with silver coco cores fired in professional Z and angled fan formation.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
96 shots of silver time rain with red and green, silver whirlers with blue, orange, red and green peonies, sapphire blue to yellow starbursts, red to silver waves with golden time rain, wave coco, crackling chrysanthemums, whirler chrysanthemums with multicolored tails, green glittering candy bursts with golden glittering palms, and silver thousand chrysanthemums.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
128 shots of silver coconuts to red & green, silver time rain with colorgrass, golden palm trees to crackling micro-stars, dragon eggs with multicolored coco cores, falling leaves, glittering willows, silver thousand chrysanthemums, wave coco, and crackling chrysanthemums with crackling tails fired straight up.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
50 fan shots of green peony with orange dahlia, yellow and purple dahlia, crackling stars with red starmine, and time rain & red wave with crackling tails. See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
50 fan shots of sky blue peonies with super red dahlia, lemon yellow peony with sea blue dahlia, time rain with sea blue dahlia with dense crackle tail, and crackling bouquet with crackling chrysanthemum tails.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
200 professional shots comprised of vertical, double-W, Z-wiper, Fan, and rapid fire sequences utilizing the widest array of the finest quality pyrotechnic effects in the Philippine fireworks industry, prepared in a singly-lit box.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
50 shots of alternating yellow and purple wave crossettes with green glittering starmine layers fired in side-to-side wiper formation.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
82 shots of multicolored rainbow peonies, white strobes and gold strobes with color dahlias, time rain with sea blue dahlias, crackling willows, golden crown brocades, and silver thousand chrysanthemums.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
25 shots of green and gold strobes with crackling and green dahlias fired in 5-directional moving Z-formation.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab)
25 shots of brocades and blue peony with crackling dahlia with blue tail and red strobe starmines, and silver titanium flowers with silver wave dahlia with crackling tail and titanium crackle mines fired in 5-directional fan formation.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
50 shots of white strobe with red wave dahlia and gold strobe tails, green strobe with purple wave dahlia with green strobe tails, and silver thousand chrysanthemum with silver wave dahlia and silver tails fired in 5-directional fan formation.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
50 shots of purple peony with green strobe dahlia with gold strobe tails, red strobe with green strobe dahlias with gold strobe tails, and brocade with crackling dahlia with silver tail with titanium starmines fired in 5-directional moving Z-formation.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
200 mixed 30mm and 50mm caliber multicolored peony dahlias, strobe willow dahlias with crackling tails and silver thousand chrysanthemum starmines, dahlias with crackling cores, spangles with dahlias, silver waves to white glitter, brocades with crackling cores, and assorted whirlers fired in vertical, center-opening, and multi-directional fan formations.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).
64 shots of red strobe mixed w/ purple, green, aqua, & silver wave stars w/ white strobe and brocade willow dahlias and multicolored tails. Brocades to color change w/ titanium willow dahlias w/ green, blue, and crackling w/ multicolored tails. Red strobe dahlias w/ brocade to green and blue w/crackling tails and titanium chrysanthemum starmines.
See the video here (opens a new browser tab).